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Hicks Family Pictures
From the Binder "Hicks and Related Families"
Compiled by Margaret Salb - more information and pictures in this binder
Family History Section - Jennings County Public Library

January 30, 1818 - November 13, 1900

November 21, 1900 - North Vernon Banner Plain Dealer
    Edward Pitt Hicks died at the residence of his son, Eldo Hicks, in North Vernon, Indiana, on the 13th day of November 1900, aged eighty-seven years, nine months and thirteen days. His death marks the disappearance of the last of the old landmarks of North Vernon. Associated with the late Col. Hagerman Tripp and the late Col. Hiram Prather, he was one of the proprietors of the original town-site. For more than sixty years his face and figure have been familiar to the people of Jennings County, and during the entire existence of the city. Edward Hicks was born in Rutland County, Vermont, Jan. 30, 1813. His father was born in Germany, his mother in England. He was the eleventh child of a family of six sons and six daughters. When he was about four years old his father emigrated to the State of New York, and a few years later removed thence to Ohio, where he tarried but a short time, finally settling in Switzerland County, Indiana, where the town of Patriot stands. Here the subject of this sketch grew to manhood, receiving such education as the meager advantages of the back-woods schools of those days afforded. At the early age of nineteen Mr. Hicks was married to Eliza R. Robertson, a young woman of Kentucky birth and one year his senior. To this union were born six children, and two of whom survive.
    In May, 1898, Mr. and Mrs. Hicks celebrated the sixty-fifth anniversary of their wedding, surrounded by their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. On the 20th of August following, Mrs. Hicks died, and on June 4, 1899, Mrs. Mary E. McGannon, the eldest of the three surviving children of Mr. Hicks paid the debt of Nature, leaving her aged father to follow soon after. He leaves surviving him, his son Eldo Hicks, of North Vernon, Indiana and his daughter, Mrs. Alice Overmyer, of Topeka, Kansas, and numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren.
    As pioneers of southeastern Indiana, Mr. and Mrs. Hicks experienced the hardships, vicissitudes and privations of that early period. Their trials and struggles were great but they were the crucible in which were formed characters of pure gold. To all of their descendants and all who came within their wholesome, elevating influence they have transmitted an impulse of boundless charity, unfailing kindness and immeasurable humanity. The good effect of such lives is incalculable.
    Mr. Hicks started in life with no capital but his intelligence, industry and integrity, and during his whole life until weakened by great age, he exhibited the greatest energy and retired from the active duties of life with extreme reluctance and only when he could no longer perform them. In his youth and young manhood he swung the ax, the maul, the sythe, the cradle, and followed the plow.
    Shortly after marrying, Mr. and Mrs. Hicks settled in Tippecanoe County, Indiana, and for two or three years tilled the fertile soil of that region, but shattered in health owing to the then existing climatic conditions and sorrowing for the loss of their first born, they removed to Jennings County where Mr. Hicks engaged in saw-milling in partnership with his old school-mate Hagerman Tripp, afterwards the distinguished commander of the 6th Indiana Regiment of the War of the Rebellion. School boys together, these two men were devoted to each other through life, their unshaken friendship continuing to the end. Their milling and business operations caused to seek markets before the age of railroads by flat-boating down the Ohio River, where once Tripp had yellow fever and was near death's door.
    In 1852 with the coming of the Ohio and Mississippi railroad, the town of North Vernon was laid out, and Hicks and Tripp shortly after became the proprietors. In this same year, although he never sought office and was possessed of a temperament averse to public life, Mr. Hicks was elected as a representative in the Legislature from Jennings County. The late Wm. S. Holman, long thereafter famed as the "watchdog of the National treasury" was a member of the House, and notwithstanding political differences they always remained friends.
    Mr. Hicks was not a public speaker but he was an able and capable member of the House, at a time when generous sentiments and noble impulse had full play, when Indiana was bounding forward with the buoyancy of glorious youth and assuming her final form; when Owen was dreaming of the millennium and putting some of his dreams into the constitutional, institutional and political life of the State; and before Morton or McDonald, or Hendricks or Vorhees or Harrison or Gresham had entered the great arena upon which they became illustrious.
    Mr. Hicks continued in partnership with Mr. Tripp until the outbreak of the War, when it was decided that Tripp should go to war while Hicks remained to look after their affairs and see that the families of soldiers were provided for. During the trying years of that great struggle his labors were prodigious. Those in a position to know declare that the care, the work and the anxiety of the responsibility he assumed were as great as if he had held an important position in the actual service of the Government. His vigilance was untiring, his considerate care for those who looked to him for help was constant, he patriotism sublime, and his generosity boundless.
    Among the contemporaries of Mr. Hicks in Jennings County, were Col. Tripp, Col. Prather, Col. Alanson Andrews, Morris Wildey, J. B. Curtis, Joseph Smith, Col. Smith Vawter, and Col. K. Brown, all of whom preceded him to the silent land.
    Edward Pitt Hicks was a man of extraordinary character. Keen, sagacious, far-seeing and comprehensive of mind, he was modest and unassuming in manner, kind and gentle in disposition, but bold and resolute in emergencies and enterprising to the point of adventure. There was no bigotry in his nature, and his charitable and sympathetic heart made him extremely tolerant.
    His parents being Universalists, Mr. Hicks was, as might have been expected, in matter of religion extremely liberal. He believed that God and nature are one and the same, and that each human being, each created thing, is a part of the universal whole, and that God or nature is all, and in all. He was too honest, sincere and clear of vision to profess to believe anything which he did not know. He realized that behind us is the infinite past, before us the infinite future, and around above, beneath and within us, the profound mystery of creation. He did not fear to die, but reposing with unfaltering confidence upon the bosom of mother nature, he passed from the turmoil's of life to the serenity of death, in whose "windowless palace" he sleeps the sleep of the just.
    The funeral took place from the residence of his son Eldo Hicks, in North Vernon. By his own request he was buried with the simple but beautiful ceremony of the Odd Fellows, of which he was a member.
    And now having performed our last solemn duty by committing earth to earth, dust to dust, and ashes to ashes, as we say farewell forever to a kind father, a faithful friend, a good citizen and a venerable man, we realize that we shall not soon look upon his like again.

Eliza (Robertson) Hicks
October 4, 1812 - August 20, 1898

1898 - North Vernon
    On the 20th day of August 1898, at the residence of her daughter Mrs. P. C. McGannon, in this city, Mrs. Eliza R. Hicks died, after a lingering illness, which she had long borne with the greatest of patience. Mrs. Hicks maiden name was Robertson, she was born in Boone County, Kentucky, on the on the 4th day of October 1812, and had consequently nearly completed her 86th year. She and her husband who survives her, were married 66 years ago.
    So meek and sensitive was she, that she requested that there should be for her, no public funeral, no funeral discourse over her remains; instead of these, she express a wish to have read Whittier's beautiful poem "The Eternal Goodness", which expresses entirely her sentiments and her feelings, respecting things spiritual and her relations to the infinite. It was read by one who in her life loved her well, and who now that she is gone reveres her precious memory. This soulful poem is given below.

"The Eternal Goodness"
John Greenleaf Whittier

O FRIENDS! with whom my feet have trod
The quiet aisles of prayer,
Glad witness to your zeal for God
And love of man I bear.

I trace your lines of argument;
Your logic linked and strong
I weigh as one who dreads dissent,
And fears a doubt as wrong

But still my human hands are weak
To hold your iron creeds:
Against the words ye bid me speak
My heart within me pleads.

Who fathoms the Eternal Thought?
Who talks of scheme and plan?
The Lord is God! He needeth not
The poor device of man.

I walk with bare, hushed feet the ground
Ye tread with boldness shod;
I dare not fix with mete and bound
The love and power of God.

Ye praise His justice; even such
His pitying love I deem:
Ye seek a king; I fain would touch
The robe that hath no seam.

Ye see the curse which overbroods
A world of pain and loss;
I hear our Lord's beatitudes
And prayer upon the cross.

More than your schoolmen teach, within
Myself, alas! I know:
Too dark ye cannot paint the sin,
Too small the merit show.

I bow my forehead to the dust,
I veil mine eyes for shame,
And urge, in trembling self-distrust,
A prayer without a claim.

I see the wrong that round me lies,
I feel the guilt within;
I hear, with groan and travail-cries,
The world confess its sin.

Yet, in the maddening maze of things,
And tossed by storm and flood,
To one fixed trust my spirit clings;
I know that God is good!

Not mine to look where cherubim
And seraphs may not see,
But nothing can be good in Him
Which evil is in me.

The wrong that pains my soul below
I dare not throne above,
I know not of His hate,I know
His goodness and His love.

I dimly guess from blessings known
Of greater out of sight,
And, with the chastened Psalmist, own
His judgments too are right.

I long for household voices gone,
For vanished smiles I long,
But God hath led my dear ones on,
And He can do no wrong.

I know not what the future hath
Of marvel or surprise,
Assured alone that life and death
His mercy underlies.

And if my heart and flesh are weak
To bear an untried pain,
The bruisèd reed He will not break,
But strengthen and sustain.

No offering of my own I have,
Nor works my faith to prove;
I can but give the gifts He gave,
And plead His love for love.

And so beside the Silent Sea
I wait the muffled oar;
No harm from Him can come to me
On ocean or on shore.

I know not where His islands lift
Their fronded palms in air;
I only know I cannot drift
Beyond His love and care.

O brothers! if my faith is vain,
If hopes like these betray,
Pray for me that my feet may gain
The sure and safer way.

And Thou, O Lord! by whom are seen
Thy creatures as they be,
Forgive me if too close I lean
My human heart on Thee!

Letter From Edward Pitt Hicks to His Children
On His Wedding Anniversary 1897
To Our Dear Children

    Allow me to offer you some of the thoughts presented to my mind by looking backward to the day we celebrate 65 years ago.
    Some 3 years before that, I had seen Miss Eliza Robertson. At that time was helping my Brother Samuel to prepare a place he was going to move too, in the immediate neighborhood of her father.
    During the heat of a summer day, we called at Mr. Robertsons to get a cool drink of water, shade a few moments, and get acquainted.
    Without any ceremony we were seated and waited upon with nature's beverage.
    Miss Eliza was at her spinning wheel, as she walked backward turning the wheel with her right had drawing the roll held in left hand into a thread 7 or 8 feet long, then reversing her movement would rapidly run the thread onto a spindle. She seemed to me to be perfect in her movement and sleight of hand in putting the rolls into thread and thread onto the spindles.
    Cupid commenced then to play with my feelings and from that time I made excuses for errands to my Brothers house and to see that girl as I passed or repassed. I grew bolder and more confident as she developed into womanhood to suggest an evening in her company, which was agreeably received, from that time at least 2 years before our Partnership was legalized Our hearts were cemented and I was promising to "Build her a bower by a clear silver fountain and cover it o're with the blossoms of the mountain" (Romance played its part and Eliza has well played Hers.) That grace I saw at the spinning wheel grew into a dignified, self reliant, modest, and by nature a refined woman, that prosperity or adversity has never made any changes----
    As we come down the stream of life to where our sun makes long shadows, and we know the "stream runs fast, and the breakers are near and the daylight almost past."
    We can answer the question, Is life worth living, in the showing of the result of our partnership formed 67 years ago and legalized 65 years ago today, in the happy faces of children and childrens children to 4th generation. We rejoice as the sable curtain of age draws around us, that these children are all looking after our comfort and happiness without selfish motive, (and good neighbors and friends too.)
Life is worth living. No. Vernon May 23, 1897           E. P. Hicks
September 1889
Family reunion on the Sunday before Lide's marriage
L. to R. Bottom Row Seated
Amy Overmyer, George Overmyer, Bessie McGannon, Lester Hicks, Carney Hicks, Eldo McGannon & Edwin Hicks
Standing Back Row L. to R.
David Overmyer holding Grace Overmyer, Alice Hicks Overmyer holding David Jr., Cora McGannon, Aletta Hicks, Eldo Hicks, Lide McGannon, Warren Dobbins, Harry Hicks
2nd Row Seated:
Edward Pitt Hicks, Eliza R. Hicks
2nd Row Standing
Grace McGannon, Mary E. Hicks McGannon, Pleasant Carney McGannon

Children of Edward Pitt Hicks & Elizabeth (Robertson) Hicks
Ellen Hicks 1835 - 1836
Oscar Hicks 1837 - 1839
Mary Elizabeth Hicks 1840 - 1899
Charles B. Hicks 1842 - 1860
Eldo Hicks 1849 - 1938
Alice Hicks 1852 - 1935

Mary Elizabeth (Hicks) McGannon
June 7, 1899 - Vernon Journal
    Mrs. Lydia (Lida, family nick name) McGannon an old resident of North Vernon and Jennings County, died at her home in North Vernon, last Sunday, of a complication of diseases aged about 60 years. Burial was at the city cemetery yesterday afternoon.
June 9, 1899 - North Vernon Republican
    Mrs. P. C. McGannon died at her home in this city on Sunday afternoon after a lingering illness. All the members of her family were with her at the last moment. The interment was private and was in the city cemetery on Tuesday afternoon.
    Mrs. McGannon had lived here nearly all the years of her life and was endeared to many by her kindly acts to all. She was known to all citizens and many mourn her departure.
Capt. Pleasant Carney McGannon - Husband of Mary Elizabeth Hicks
Married - August 23, 1857, Jennings County, Indiana

February 2, 1905 - North Vernon Banner Plain Dealer
He Had Lived Here all His Life and Was one of the Leading Men of the Town

    P. C. McGannon passed into the great beyond at three o'clock this morning. The news of his death will bring sorrow to many hearts. He was a good citizen in all that the word implies and commanding the respect of all who knew him. He was stricken with paralysis while attending a social meeting at the Christian church last Sunday morning. He has, as was his custom, taken an active part in the meeting and seemed in his usual health. The closing hymn was "God by With You till we Meet Again" and his voice rang out earnestly with the others as they sang the touching and beautiful lines. After the benediction and the crowd had nearly all passed out Mrs. Brazelton noticed that he was sitting in his seat and something was wrong. She went to him and asked him what was the matter and he answered "I am so sick, my head pains so." A couple of friends assisted from the seat to a chair near the stove and in doing so noticed one side was paralyzed. A carriage was called and he was driven to the home of his daughter Mrs. Warren Dobbins, with whom he had resided for several years, and medical aid summoned. At 3:00 o'clock that afternoon he became unconscious and never rallied again. He passed his seventy-fifth birthday in November and had passed all of his life here, having been born here. He was one of the pioneer business men of the town being for many years identified in business with J. B. McMIllan and later with McMillan & Hicks. When this partnership was dissolved Mr. McGannon retained as his share of the business the Tripton Flouring Mill which he owned and ran successfully up to the time he retired from business. He was enterprising and always worked for the advancement of the town. He was united with the Christian church en early life and was a devout, earnest member. The funeral services will be held from that church Saturday afternoon at two o'clock after which the remains will be laid to rest by the side of his wife and children.
Link to a page on this web site on Pleasant Carney McGannon

Grace (McGannon) Fable 1869 - 1941 daughter of P. C. and Mary E. (Hicks) McGannon

Eldo Hicks
Emily Alletta (Johnson) Hicks
Married - September 15, 1869, Jennings County, Indiana

Eldo & Aletta Hicks
Sixty Fifth Wedding Anniversary Celebrated in 1934
    Mr. and Mrs. Eldo Hicks celebrated the sixty-fifth anniversary of their wedding at their home in Barth, Florida, Sept. 15, 1934. Mr. Hicks was born in North Vernon, Indiana in 1849, Mrs. Hicks, who was Aletta Johnson, was born near Cincinnati in 1851. They were married in North Vernon, September 15, 1869. They made their home in North Vernon for a number of years, the family being prominent in Indiana. Before going south, Mr. Hicks was a contractor of stone and concrete bridges, having built bridges for the L. and N., P.C.C. and St. Louis, Big Four, New York Centrand and B. and O. Railroads. About twenty-five years ago, Mr. Hicks came south seeking a sunny climate. He bought a large sawmill, (the Hicks-Reiger Mill Co.) located on the Escambia River, and settled a little village known at first as Hicksville, but later changed to Barth, named for Mayor Barth of Louisville, now deceased, who was his friend. Since 1913 he has been postmaster of Barth, caring for the mail and routine of the office every day.
    Mr. & Mrs. Hicks have traveled considerably, the longest trip made by them having been in the year of their marriage, (1869) from New York to California by way of the Isthmus of Panama on the S. S. Ocean Queen and City of Sacramento. The trip cost $90. They returned by Wells Fargo stage coach, 500 miles from Austin, Nevada to Bear River, Nebraska, when they experienced an exciting adventure, in the overturning of the stage coach. From San Francisco to Indianapolis the cost of the trip was $263. They attended the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago. Thinking Lake Michigan so beautiful, they later bought a small island at the head of Lake Huron, built a summer home, and spent many pleasant summers there.
Family of Eldo Hicks about 1891
Front row, seated - left to right Edwin Hicks, Eldo Hicks, Alletta (Johnson) Hicks
Back row, standing - left to right Carney Hicks, Henry Hicks, Lester Hicks

Alice (Hicks) Overmyer
Alice (Hicks) Overmyer and children Amy and George
David Overmyer husband of Alice Hicks
Married - August 23, 1874, Jennings County, Indiana

David Overmyer Is Dead
    TOPEKA, Kas.,-Jan. 9-David Overmyer, probably the most prominent Democratic politician in Kansas, died at his home here tonight, aged 60 years. Mr. Overmyer was a candidate for attorney general on the Democratic ticket at the recent State election and was once candidate for Governor and was well known as a lawyer in Kansas and neighboring States. He was born in Ohio and was an alumnus of De Paw University at Greencastle, Ind. - Indianapolis Star.
    The above startling news was a shock to the people of this city and vicinity, where Mr. Overmyer was widely known. For many years after leaving DePauw University he practiced his profession here in partnership with his brother, John Overmyer, and easily attained the foremost position among the lawyers of that time. Several years ago, believing that a broader field for the exercise of his talent existed elsewhere, he moved into the Great West and located in Topeka, Kansas, where he quickly sprang into prominence in the practice of his profession. He was married in this city early in life to Miss Alice Hicks, daughter of Edward Pitt Hicks, deceased, and sister of Eldo Hicks who is still a resident of North Vernon. The cause of his death was pneumonia.

January 10, 1907            Topeka Capital Newspaper
    David Overmyer died suddenly at his home 110 1/2 Quincey Street at 8:30 o'clock last night. Death was due to diabetes although he had been sick since early in December when he was taken ill with pneumonia.
    Death was directly due to diabetes, Mr. Overmyer having recovered from the pneumonia and from the relapse which he suffered some ten days ago. His family was notified Saturday that the illness would prove fatal but his appearance was such that the family and Mr. Overmyer himself did not credit the statement of the physician.
    "I hardly think I will make my demise while you are here this evening," said Mr. Overmyer to N. B. Arnold, an old friend who called during the evening," said Mr. Overmyer to N. B. Arnold, an old friend who called during the evening to see him. After a short chat Mr. Overmyer excused himself and went to the bath room. This was at 8:10 o'clock and 8:30 o'clock Mr. Overmyer was dead.
    His absence from the room was noticed and Mrs. Overmyer went the bath room and called to her husband. She received no reply and going down the stairs found Dr. May Stout who had just entered with Miss Grace Overmyer. She told Dr. Stout that Mr. Overmyer was in the bath room and had not answered her call and the two went to the door of the room and called again.
    No reply was received and Mrs. Overmyer called her son, David Overmyer J., who broke in the door and found his father dead. All of the members of the family were at home at the time of the death save George Overmyer who had just left home for the Copeland Hotel at which place he was notified by telephone of his father's death. Those present at the Overmyer residence at the time of the death were Mrs. David Overmyer, David Overmyer, Jr., Miss Amy Overmyer and Miss Grace Overmyer, and Dr. Stout.
    Although expected at any moment by Dr. Harding and Dr. Stout the death of Mr. Overmyer was a great shock to his family and those friends who had seen him with the last few days. Despite his repent illness, had had regained a healthy appearance, was jovial and in the best of spirits. During the afternoon yesterday he started a fire in his library, worked at small duties, such as he was wont to perform about the house, joked and chatted with the members of his famiiily and received callers.
    Yesterday Judge Dale of Wichita, Judge Dana of the Shawnee district court, Judge Hazen, Mrs. Minnie Cooper, formerly stenographer at the State Democratic headquarters and many others called to see Mr. Overmyer and many others called to see Mr. Overmyer who was reported to be in bad health and all were surprised to see him in such apparent excellent physicial condition. He read the newspapers, spent a portion of the day reading a history of the world of which he was especially fond and those who saw him thought he was the picture of health despite his recent illness.
    Mr. Overmyer was told two weeks ago that his illness would prove fatal and that his death was only a matter of time and a short time at that. He received the news without a sigh of regret. Dr. Harding told him the signs of illness and he said that he had been in that condition most of his life. Among others was the pulse beat. During the entire time he was under the physician's care his pulse was 120. For a man of his age and condition his pulse should have been 70 and he told Dr. Stout that his pulse had always been remarkably high. He expressed a wish that he would not suffer a great deal before the end came.
    The news was given the family on Saturday but they could not believe it as Mr. Overmyer had made such astounding progress to all outward appearances. A consultation was suggested by the physician at that time but Mr. Overmyer refused and forbid that such action be taken as he was feeling well.
    Although 60 years of age Mr. Overmyer was in active practice and at his office constantly. He was of a strong rugged nature and previous to his present illness had never been sick. Only last week he was on the street and at his office.
    A slight cold contracted early during the fall but which was given no particular attention resulted more seriously that was expected and on December 7 Mr. Overmyer was confined to his bed with a serious case of pneumonia. Dr. Eva Harding, the family physician, was called and under careful treatment Mr. Overmyer seemed to improve rapidly. By Christmas he seemed to have recovered his health and beyond a weakness caused by the illness, he seemed no worse for his illness.
    On December 28 Mr. Overmyer walked to the Auditorium to hear W. J. Bryan, of whom he is an ardent admirer, deliver a speech. His apparent improvement continued with amazing rapidity and it was this that caused the family to doubt the seriousness of his condition.
    Shortly after this Mr. Overmyer had suffered from diabetes for at least seven or eight years. This was not discovered until the physicians were called in to treat him for pneumonia. The fact that his illness had progressed too far for medical aid to check was soon apparent. From that time the physicians have expected his death at any time although there was still a chance that he would live for some time, perhaps a year.
    Yesterday Mr. Overmyer arose at the usual time and ate a hearty breakfast. He felt so well that he did not lie down for his mid-day rest as usual. He also ate a hearty dinner and supper and there was no outward indications that his death was near. He left his family and friends laughing and talking and 20 minutes later was dead. It was the manner in which he had expressed a wish to die.
    It has been but little more than a year since Mr. Overmyer attended a reunion of the Overmyer family, held near his old home in Ohio. Every family of Overmyers known in this country was represented. Mr. Overmyer was the first to die since that reunion.
    Mr. Overmyer was the candidate on the Democratic ticket last year for Attorney General, and was given a high compliment by the people of Topeka and Shawnee county in that he carried the city, and lacked but a few votes of carrying the county.
    The reason he made the race for Attorney General was because Col. Harris made it a provision that he would not accept the nomination for Governor unless Mr. Overmyer took the nomination for Attorney General.
    In Pickaway county in the State of Ohio, near Circleville, David Overmyer was born May 1, 1847.
    In 1849 his father moved overland in a covered wagon to Jackson county, Indiana, where David grew to manhood on a farm, in which his life differed in no essential feature from that of thousands of other self-reliant western. He attended the district school in winter and worked on the farm in summer. He was a studious, observing boy, and resolved to secure a liberal education. This laudable ambition he attained, working his way in Asbury (now DePauw) University, though he left to begin the study of law before he had fully completed the prescribed course.
    He was admitted to the bar at Vernon, Jennings county, Indiana, in September 1869 and in 1870 he began the practice of his profession at North Vernon where he continued until he removed from the State. There in 1874, he was married to Miss Alice Hicks. Of this union five children have been born, four of whom are now living.
    In Indiana Mr. Overmyer took no great interest in politics. He was a Republican, and at a Garfield memorial service in 1881 at North Vernon, he was the principal speaker, and his oration was pronounced fully equal to any delivered in the county upon that occasion.
    But the restless blood of the pioneer was in the veins of David Overmyer. He went west. In September, 1882, he moved to Topeka. He became an intense Kansan, enthusiastic in his devotion to his adopted State. He rose to the first rank as a lawyer. He was a man of sympathetic nature, upright in character, direct in purpose, open and above board in action. He had faith in himself, and he espoused no cause until satisfied of its justice. When once he espoused to do a thing his application was as grim and relentless as fate; he had all the tenacity and solid qualities marking the character of the Teuton, from which state he descended.
    In 1884 Overmyer was elected to the Kansas Legislature as an independent, though he had always been a disciple of Jefferson with tendencies strongly Democratic. In 1886 he openly joined the Democratic party and since acted with it. He was one of the foremost Democrats of Kansas and of the nation. In 1888 he was nominated for Congress by acclamation by the Democratic convention for the Fourth Kansas District. As the Republican majority was overwhelming, he was defeated, though he ran far ahead of his ticket.
    In 1893 he presided at the citizens' meeting in Topeka which it is believed prevented a resort to arms by then contending political factions. In this same year he was appointed by Governor Lewelling a delegate to the Pan-American Bi-Metalic Congress at St. Louis. He was unable to attend, but sent an address, which was read to the body by Governor Lewelling and received with great favor. In January, 1894 he represented the Democratic party in the famous quadrangular debate at Salina, Kan. and his speech on that occasion was pronounced by ex-Governor Glick as the greatest Democratic speech ever delivered in the State. He was nominated by the Democrats for Governor in this same year, the honor being given him by acclamation; it was known that no Democrat could be elected at that time and in the result he was not disappointed.
    In 1901 he was selected as the candidate for United States Senator by a joint caucus of Democrats, Populist and Silver Republicans, defeating J. C. Johnson, vice chairman of the Democratic National Committee, John Briedenthal, then late fusion candidate for governor, and the lamented Jerry Simpson. He received every opposition vote in both houses of the Legislature. Frank Jarrell once said in the Capital: "He was an ardent supporter of the Leedy administration and didn't ask for anything. In (n 1900 he made more speeches for the Briedenthal ticket than any other Democrat, and it was because of his unselfishness and his liberality with the Populists that they gave him their complimentary vote for Senate last winter.
    In 1902 he declined a unaimous offer of nomination his party for governor. In 1904 he was for the third time chosen delegate at large to the Democratic national convention, where he was chairman of the Kansas celebration and placed General Miles in nomination for President in a speech of great eloguence and power. The geneeral declared that he would rather be the subject of Overmyer's speech than to have been nominated without it. In this connection it will be remembered that it was David Overmyer who put Senator Harris in nomination for vice president at St. Louis in 1904. At the Democratic State Convention in April last he was by the unanimous voice of the convention drafted as a candidate for attorney general. Having previously absoutely declined to stand as a candidate for governor, and having strenuously insisted upon the nomination of Senator Harris for governor.
    Such is a brief review of some of Overmyer's political actions in Kansas. He never sought even these honors; he was not an office seeker. His great desire was to influence public opinion to the degree that laws for the benefit of the people and good goverment might result. His purpose has beenn to prevent private corporate greed might result. His purpose has been to prevent private corporate greed and graft and restore to the citizen the rights of which he had been wrongfully deprived. He was a member of the Kansas House of Representatiives in the regular session of 1885 and the special session of 1886. During the special session of 1886 a railroad bill passed the Senate and came to the House. At the proper time he moved to amend it by inserting in it anti-pass provisions, substantially as follows: "That it shall be unlawful for any railway company, or any officer, agent or employee of any railway company to furnish to any person any transportation of person or property on terms other or different from the terms upon which the same kind of transportation is furnished to every other person."
    Overmyer made a speech upon the bill, taking the same grounds and giving the same reasons against the free pass which he and alll others opposed to it have given many times since. As he proceeded many members shouted from all parts of the House, "Where are your passes, where are your passes?" "Ah!" said he, "I returned them, just as you should have done." And so he had, immediately upon their reception.
    An article published some time ago in the Capital contained the following" "Mr. Overmyer takes delight in a lawsuit and enjoys the part he plays in politics, but the real happiness of his life he finds at home. Nobody ever saw Overmyer loafing about the hotels at night, except, perhaps, once or twice a year when there is a convention on. With his family and his books he spends his evenings and Sundays, and these associations give him the mental and the moral and the physical strength which makes him a recognized power in public affairs."     David Overmyer was a splendid specimen of the courageous American citizen whose every action in public and private life was clean and tended to give every man a square deal, no more and no less, let the consequences by what they might.

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